Department of Agricultural Engineering Faculty

Dr. Anjitha Krishna P. R.

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualification: B. Tech (Agrl Engg), M. Tech (LWME), PhD (Soil and Water Engg)

Areas of Interest/Expertise: Solute transport modeling, Soil loss assessment, Irrigation system design, Hydrological modeling


Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005 (UP), India

Tel: 0562-6548399, Email:


  1. P R Anjitha Krishna, B Maheshwara Babu, A T Dandekar, R H Rajkumar, G Ramesh, S R Balanagoudar, 2022, Water and nutrient dynamics in the root zone of mulched onion crop under different soil types, emitter discharge rates and irrigation intervals. Scientist, USA. 2022; 1(3):1-14.
  2. K K Shaheemath Suhara, Anu Varghese, Anjali C Sunny, P R Anjitha Krishna, 2023, Erosivity Factor of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) – A Systematized Review, Current World Environment, 18(2): 433-445.
  3. P R Anjitha Krishna, B Maheshwara Babu, A T Dandekar, R H Rajkumar, G Ramesh, S R Balanagoudar, 2021, Economic feasibility analysis of onion cultivation under mulching and fertigation in Vertisol in semi-arid Indian condition. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 10(1): 367-376.
  4. P R Anjitha Krishna, B Maheshwara Babu, A T Dandekar, R H Rajkumar, G Ramesh, S R Balanagoudar, 2020, An optimal irrigation scheduling for drip irrigated onion in a semi-arid region using the computer program CROPWAT 8.0. International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 21(1): 96-105.
  5. P R Anjitha Krishna, R Lalitha, K Shanmugasundaram, M Nagarajan, 2019, Assessment of topographical factor (LS-Factor) estimation procedures in a gently sloping terrain. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 47(1): 1031-1039.
  6. P R Anjitha Krishna, 2019, Evapotranspiration and agriculture-a review. Agricultural Reviews, 40(1): 1-11. 10.18805/ag.R-1848.
  7. P R Anjitha Krishna, R Lalitha, 2018, Sensitivity analysis of climatic parameters and reference evapotranspiration methods: case study from a semi-arid condition, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24(1): 169-175.
  8. P R Anjitha Krishna, R Lalitha, 2018, Comparison of reference evapotranspiration methods: case study from a semi-arid condition. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24(1): 220-225.
  9. P R Anjitha Krishna, R Lalitha, K Shanmugasundaram, M Nagarajan, 2017, Comparison of slope length factor estimation algorithms in a gently sloping terrain. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(47): 4792-4795.
  10. K Ramaswamy, S Mahimaraja, T Sherene Jenita Rajammal, J Ramachandran, P R Anjitha Krishna, 2016, Textbook on soil physics, Mercury Printers & Publishers, ISBN: 978-93-5001-512-4.


  1. Presented paper at National Seminar on Natural Resource Management for Horticultural Crops Under Changing Climatic Conditions held at CWRDM, Kozhikode on March 16th-17th
  2. Presented poster at 5th Annual Agricultural Graduate Students Conference 2017 held at TNAU, Coimbatore on May 4th-5th and the abstract got published in a book with ISBN: 978-93-83799-63-3
  3. Presented research paper at 45th National Systems Conference organized by Dayalbagh Educational Institute and Systems Society of India during 26th-29th September 2022.


S.No Title Organization Duration
1 Online course on “Comprehensive Disaster Management Framework” NIDM, New Delhi 6 weeks
2 Hydro informatics for Integrated Water Resource Management IIT, Chennai 10 days
3 Application of Resource Surface Methodology (RSM) In Research Programme CoFE, TNFU, Nagapattanam 01 day
4 Faculty Induction Programme UGC-HRDC & AMU, Aligarh 37 days
5 FDP on Inculcating UHV in Technical Education AICTE, New Delhi 05 days
6 FDP on AI for Smart Agriculture Sanskriti University, Mathura, U.P. 24/06/23 to 30/06/23 (05 days)
7 Agribusiness: Vertical Farming & Controlled environment agriculture Edorer Masterclass 19-07-23 (01 day)

Achievements - Awards/Prizes/Fellowships

  • Awarded National Talent Scholarship during M. Tech (2015-17)
  • Awarded ICAR-Senior Research Fellowship during Ph. D (2017-2020)
  • Cleared ICAR NET in Land and Water Management Engineering in 2017
  • Received All India First Rank in ICAR-SRF examination in 2017
  • Developed technology for mulched fertigation in onion crop under semi-arid region, which is included in the Package of Practices of University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, India.
  • Awarded Seed Money Grant of Two Lacks rupees from Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Agra
  • Secured Best Paper Award in 45th National Systems Conference 2022 organized by System Society of India and Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
  • Awarded Excellence in Reviewing from International Journal of Environment and Climate Change (NAAS:5.13, 2022)
  • Life time member of IISWC, Dehradun and Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE), New Delhi