Department of Agricultural Engineering Faculty

Dr. Madhuri Dubey

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualification: B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering), M.Tech (Soil & Water Engineering), PhD (Land & Water Resource Engineering)

Areas of Interest/Expertise: Climate Change, Crop modelling, Climate Impact on Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation, Water Resource Management, Drainage Engineering


Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005 (UP), India

Tel: 0562-6548399, Email:


  1. Dubey M and Hardaha, M.K. (2019) “Application of Standard Models and Artificial Neural Network for Missing Rainfall Estimation”. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(01): 1564-1572.
  2. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2020) “Climate change impact analysis using bias-corrected multiple global climate models on rice and wheat yield” Journal of Water and Climate Change.
  3. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2021) “Identification of the Most Appropriate Adaptation for Rice and Wheat in the Face of Climate Change in Eastern India” Journal of Water and Climate Change.
  4. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2024) “Climate Change Effect on Optimal N-recommendation and Yield of Rice and Wheat Crop” Theoretical and Applied Climatology.


  1. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2016) “Future change in rice and wheat yield under different climate change scenarios using multiple Global Climate Models” lnternational Conference on "Climate Change, Water, Agriculture and Food Security" November 2-3, ICRISAT Hyderabad, Telangana.
  2. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2017) “Assessing climate change impact on rice yield under different climate change scenarios using CERES and ORYZA2000” July 16-19, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, Washington USA.
  3. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2022) “Distribution based bias correction of CMIP5 GCMs outputs for climate impact modelling” September 26-29, 45th National System Conference (NSC2022), Jointly by Dayalbagh Educational Institute and System Society of India, Agra.
  4. Choudhary S, Dubey M and Meena SS (2022) “Perfromance evaluation of modified brush cutter for harvesting of sorghum” September 26-29, 45th National System Conference (NSC2022), Jointly by Dayalbagh Educational Institute and System Society of India, Agra.
  5. Dubey M, Mishra A and Singh R (2023) “Adaptation strategies assessment: An investigation for rice crop in different agro climate zones of West Bengal” December 22-24, 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Environment and Sustainable Development, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Workshops/Training programs attended, participated and organized

  1. One week (16/06/2014 to 20/06/2014) training on “Application of statistics in ground water data analysis” organized by Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training and Research Institute, Raipur (C.G.).
  2. One day workshop on “Exploring how to ensure hydrological model results are ‘Fit for purpose’ organized by Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, IIT Kharagpur on 22nd May 2019.

Achievements - Awards/Prizes/Fellowships

  • ASRB-NET (ICAR) qualified in 2017 in Land and Water Management Engineering discipline.
  • MHRD fellowship for Ph.D. at IIT Kharagpur.
  • Awarded travel grant from Ministry of Education, Government of India (MHRD) to attend ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, Washington USA, during 15 July- 21 July 2017.


  • Seed Money project at DEI Agra- “Design and installation of Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting in DEI university campus”.