Department of Agricultural Engineering Faculty

Dr. Ashok Yadav

Associate Professor, Head of the Department

Educational Qualification: B.Sc. (Engg.) (Mechanical Engineering), M.Tech. (Engineering Systems), Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering)

Areas of Interest/Expertise: Renewable Energy, Thermal Engineering, Energy Management, IC engines & Fuels, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning


Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005 (UP), India

Tel: 0562-6548399, Email:

Ashok Yadav, PhD is Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, DEI with more than 20 years of experience. He teaches Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heat Transfer, IC Engines, Automobile Engineering, Energy system Management, Thermodynamics and Applied Thermodynamics and Renewable Energy Sources like Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Thermal Energy. His research interest includes renewable energy, alternate renewable fuels (Bio-diesels) for CI Engines, Life cycle analysis (LCA), Solar Energy and Energy Management. He has completed a Department of Science and Technology (DST) sponsored research project titled, ‘Development of River Bank Filtration system on the banks of river Yamuna in Dayalbagh, Agra, as a Sustainable Solution for meeting Drinking Water requirement’ worth Rs. 297.08 lakhs. Presently, he is engaged in various projects in the area of Phage change materials (PCM), Bioaerosol and health, Development of Ecofriendly Grain dryer, direct sub-surface water recharge system (ground water rechaging), cooling/heating using Ground Source Heat Pump. He has authored more than 40 research papers which have been published in archival journals of high repute like Journal of Power and Energy, IMechE (London), National Journals, International and National conferences. He is also member of several professional bodies like Institution of Engineers India, IE(I) and Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers, ISHRAE. He has also served as Secretary and Chairman of Institution of Engineers (India), Agra Local Center.

Research Areas

  1. Renewable energy applied to agriculture, Biofuels
  2. Solar Thermal: Heating/cooling, water purification system
  3. Refrigeration and air conditioning, desiccant dehumidification
  4. Ground source heat pump
  5. Aquifer recharging - direct sub-surface recharging